What is Dry Needling, and Why Do We Use It?

Woman Experiencing Dry Needling Treatment

Physical therapists and other qualified healthcare professionals use the dry needling method to address musculoskeletal discomfort and mobility problems. It is almost always employed as a component of a broader pain treatment strategy, including massage, exercise, and other methods. During this procedure, a practitioner inserts thin, sharp needles through your epidermis to address underlying myofascial trigger points.

What is Dry Needling?

Your muscles can acquire tight, sore spots called trigger points. Touching these trigger spots may cause pain due to their extreme sensitivity. A trigger spot might occasionally be close to where you’re hurting. However, they frequently contribute to transmitted pain. Pain that originates in another area of your body is referred pain. Your muscle enters an energy crisis when it is overworked, which results in insufficient oxygen flow to the muscle cells. Your muscles can’t return to their usual resting condition if they don’t receive normal blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients. Your range of motion may be improved, and discomfort may be reduced with dry needling. The following conditions may be treated with dry needling:

  • Joint problems.
  • Disk problems.
  • Tendinitis.
  • Headaches of tension-type and migraines.
  • Problems involving the jaw and teeth, such as TMJ disorders.
  • Whiplash.
  • Diseases caused by repetitive movements, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Spinal problems.
  • Discomfort in the pelvis.
  • Nighttime pains.
  • Pain in a phantom leg.
  • Shingles consequence postherpetic neuralgia.

Your physician will examine your medical records and conduct a physical examination before beginning dry-needling therapy. They must decide if dry needling is appropriate for you. If they determine that you are a possibility, they will go over the details of the procedure and address any queries you may have.

You should wear comfortable, loose attire on the day of your therapy. Wear something that will make it simple for your doctor to get to the therapy region. If not, your caregiver will give you a robe or covering.

Your healthcare practitioner will first prepare the needle and sterilize the treatment region. They will then palpate the region with one palm or their fingers to find the trigger spot. Using their other hand, they will cover the region with the needle enclosed in a plastic guidance tube. Your physician can precisely tap the needle into position while using one hand to operate the guide tube. Your healthcare professional will carefully insert the needle into your epidermis before removing the guidance tube. The method that your supplier employs may change.

Only one or two injections may be used during your initial therapy by your doctor. Your healthcare practitioner might begin using more injections once they notice how you react to the treatment. It depends on how you’re feeling. For back therapy, for instance, they might place up to 10 or 15 needles along your vertebrae. You might experience muscular twitching or soreness while receiving therapy. These feelings are typical and an indication that the therapy is affecting your musculature.

Dry Needling at Alternative Health Center of the Woodlands 

For individuals with specific musculoskeletal problems, dry needling is a method that is secure, barely uncomfortable, and frequently very effective. Many individuals have found the treatment to be a game-changer in enhancing their quality of life. However, be careful to consult with your doctor before beginning the procedure. It is intrusive even though it is regarded as secure. More cautious therapies might be suggested by your doctor first. Make an appointment with us at the Alternative Health Center of the Woodlands by calling (281) 419-9104 immediately!

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team of medical professionals aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.