Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition faced by people all over the world, and its frequency is growing due to the nature of the modern working environment. One common cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pressure applied to the wrist when typing without a resting pad. This pressure impacts the median nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel from which the condition takes its name, often resulting in a narrowing of this passageway. This, in turn, can lead to pain, tightness, tingling, and numbness in the affected hand or fingers.
Advanced Carpal Tunnel Can Impact Finger And Thumb Coordination and Cause Instability
The Basics of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Before we can talk about alternative treatments for this condition, we have to spend a little time explaining what carpal tunnel is and what conditions are involved in it.
- The carpal tunnel is a tight passageway that passes through your wrist, carrying the median nerve and nine tendons. These tendons control your fingers.
- The median nerve transmits sensation from your fingers and thumb and aids in the movement of your thumb muscles.
- When the carpal tunnel narrows, additional pressure is applied to the median nerve.
- Early in the development of the condition, this can lead to numbness and tingling in the fingers and aching in the palm.
- Waking up at night with these symptoms is common, and shaking the hand is usually necessary to relieve them.
- Advanced carpal tunnel can impact the coordination of finger movement.
- Daily tasks can be impacted by the presence of carpal tunnel.
This condition tends to begin slowly and grow in severity gradually over time if left untreated. Thankfully there are options available to help reduce the severity of the symptoms and prevent the need for surgery.
Steps You Can Take To Control Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Without Surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome is generally manageable and preventable with a little care and attention, as long as you start before it gets too severe. The basic preventatives include exercise. There are simple hand exercises you can do to help keep your fingers and hands limber. Take care not to overdo it; pain is not a sign of progress in this case.
- Shake Your Hands – Doing this two or three times a day can help keep the median nerve and tendons moving freely.
- Stretch Your Arms – Start by extending your arm out in front of you with the palm facing the floor. Then use your other hand to press it down until you feel the stretch for 20 seconds. Repeat with the other hand.
Other treatment options include relief injections, physical therapy, bracing and splinting, and others. If you want to learn what treatment options are right for your case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, reach out to our offices for an appointment. Surgical solutions should always be the last resort after other options are tried.