The Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Person taking magnesium pills for health close up

Magnesium is an important nutrient for our body. It plays an important role in maintaining the health of our muscles, bones, and even our mental health. Hypomagnesemia is the medical term for magnesium deficiency. In its initial stages, it can often go unnoticed by those struggling with it. Less than 2% of Americans are thought to be experiencing symptoms from low magnesium levels. We will explain how to identify signs of hypomagnesemia, its causes, and how it can be treated here at the Alternative Center of the Woodlands.

What Causes Hypomagnesia and How It Can Impact Your Health

Magnesium deficiency is underdiagnosed due to the lack of early symptoms. Those experiencing hypomagnesia rarely display symptoms until their levels have dropped to a dangerous degree. Numerous conditions can lead to someone experiencing a deficiency of this important nutrient. Some examples of these include:

  • Diabetes
  • Poor Absorption
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Celiac Disease
  • Alcohol Abuse

In addition, certain medications and procedures can contribute to the body’s struggle with absorbing sufficient magnesium.

  • Cardiac Surgical Procedures
  • Chemotherapy
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors

It’s important to keep an eye out for symptoms indicating that you may be suffering from low magnesium. Identifying it as early as possible will allow proactive measures to be taken to address your deficiency. Some indicators that you may be suffering from hypomagnesia include the following:

  • Muscles, Cramps, and Spasms – Magnesium is important in helping our muscles function. When levels are low, the muscles may cramp or spasm. Worse, these spasms can even lead to convulsions or seizures in severe cases. The lack of magnesium stimulates increased calcium flow into the nerves, causing them to become hyperstimulated and spasm.
  • Mental Health Conditions – Apathy, lack of emotion, delirium, and depression have all been connected to reduced magnesium levels within the body. Delirium and coma have both occurred in connection with hypomagnesia.
  • Osteoporosis – Magnesium deficiency has also been shown to increase the risk of osteoporosis, as the mineral plays a vital role in healthy bone formation and maintenance.

Other conditions known to occur when magnesium levels are low include high blood pressure, muscle weakness and fatigue, asthma, and even irregular heartbeat patterns. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to see your medical professional. They’ll be able to provide treatment options, including magnesium supplements. You can also begin consuming foods higher in magnesium, including nuts, seeds, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, peanuts, and dark chocolate. The best options are pumpkin seeds, almonds, popcorn, peanuts, and dark chocolate.

Contact Our Team In The Woodlands To Learn More

Magnesium deficiency isn’t a very common concern, but when it occurs, it can spell serious trouble for your health if not remedied. If you’re concerned you may be experiencing low magnesium levels or are undergoing a procedure known to increase your risk, call us today at (281) 419-9104. Managing your magnesium is important and can be handled without major shifts to your diet or lifestyle. We’ll talk to you about proactive ways to prevent magnesium deficiency and how to address it should it occur.

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team of medical professionals aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.