Minimizing Flu Symptoms With Natural Remedies

Young woman sneezing nose covered by warm duvet

With the colder weather that arrives with the holiday season, there’s a corresponding spike in cases of the flu. While using traditional medicine to treat the flu can be effective when necessary, natural remedies can help prevent you from contracting it in the first place. If you do happen to catch the flu, they can reduce the time it takes for you to get over the flu and lessen the impact of the symptoms themselves. We’re going to provide a few natural methods of preventing and managing the flu during the winter months.

It Starts By Taking Care Of Yourself

The first steps to helping avoid the flu involve taking better care of yourself throughout the winter season. While the weather outside may make it more difficult, be sure to maintain a regular exercise routine. Exercise helps us stay energized and alert and can also aid our immune system when combined with freshwater, healthy food, and plenty of sleep. It can also help reduce the amount of stress you experience, and less stress has been shown to help the immune system perform better. Finally, avoid vices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Keep Getting Sunshine

It can be trickier when it takes bundling up to get outside, but your body benefits from the sun in the winter as much as it does in the summer. By maintaining exposure to the sun, you’ll help your body raise its natural vitamin D levels, which aids your immune response and provides protection against colds and the flu. You may also consider using a vitamin D supplement or drinking more milk during the winter.

Stay Moisturized

The cold, arid air of winter can quickly sap water from your system faster than the summer sun and can leave your skin, throat, and sinuses feeling dry and irritated. You may want to consider carrying a nasal spray and using something like a Neti Pot at the day’s end to make sure your sinuses remain clean and clear. Salt-water gargles can aid in keeping your throat moist, and inhaling steam can help open the lungs and aid in breathing, especially when battling flu symptoms.

Give Your Immune System Reinforcements With Probiotics

There is an expanding body of evidence that shows that our bodies contain an expansive variety of bacteria that are actually beneficial for our health. In fact, healthy gut bacteria have been shown to help boost your immune system and help it fight off infections, colds, and other ailments. You can help your gut bacteria by consuming yogurt, kefir, or taking supplements in the form of capsules or powders.

These are excellent methods of reinforcing your body against the yearly onslaught of the flu. Make sure you also get your yearly flu vaccine to help protect yourself and those around you. Want to learn more natural ways of boosting your health? Call the Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands in The Woodlands, TX today! We’ll arrange a meeting with Dr. Stephen Clouthier and his team of alternative health experts to help you get started.

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.

Dr. Stephen Clouthier

By finding balance in the mind, body, and soul, The Alternative Health Center of The Woodlands provides holistic, natural wellness care to patients in The Woodlands, TX. Dr. Clouthier and his team of medical professionals aim provide individual health care to help our patients achieve optimal health from within our warm, friendly environment.