Holistic medicine works to integrate various forms of treatment for the things that ail us. Among those treatments are natural medicines and practices that work alongside traditional medicine. Unfortunately, some of these treatments aren’t effective or appropriate for some people living with asthma. If you’re looking for more natural treatment options for your asthma symptoms, take care. While some are effective, most are just wishful thinking.
Natural Remedies For Asthma: Fact Or Fiction
Below is listed a range of natural treatments that have been used for asthma. The majority of them have been the subject of scientific study. The results have revealed that many of these treatments are just old wives’ tales. Others have shown differing degrees of effectiveness that may help some patients. The most common natural treatments are found below:
- Breathing Exercises: There is some evidence that breathing exercises can aid those with mild to moderate asthma. Those with acute asthma are less likely to see positive results.
- Yoga: This ancient practice mixes physical exertion with specialized breathing practices. Studies have revealed that those who practice Yoga for 30 minutes a day can see some benefits. Those who experience benefits are those with mild to moderate asthma.
- Turmeric Supplements: Turmeric is a spice that shows anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Studies have shown that taking turmeric medicinally has shown benefits for asthma patients.
- Magnesium Supplements: Intravenous magnesium is frequently used to treat asthma in emergency rooms. However, studies haven’t shown lasting results from taking it as a supplement.
- Massage: While massage has many benefits, little data is supporting its use to manage asthma.
- Warm Steam Baths: Steam baths can be great for treating congestion and irritated airways. Unfortunately, no studies show evidence of their being suitable for asthma.
- Chiropractic Work: Research shows that chiropractic work has no meaningful effect on asthma. As a result, it has been largely ruled out as an asthma treatment.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C has been ruled out as an effective treatment for both colds and asthma. While an essential vitamin for our day-to-day health, it doesn’t help here.
As you can see, not all ‘natural remedies are effective. Some of them have been shown to help. Those with severe asthma should use them alongside traditional medication. As new potential remedies come to light, research continues to find new answers. Staying critical and keeping an open mind is essential to finding the best treatments.
Speak To Your Holistic Specialist For New Treatments
The safest way to include natural treatments in your asthma management is by speaking to an expert. Holistic medicine experts focus on using various treatment options to tackle illness. Integrating them with traditional treatment options ensures a body, mind, and spirit approach to wellness. Whatever treatment options you decide to use, they must be safe and effective.
Speaking to your holistic medical specialist will put you on the road to a balanced approach. Exercise, medicine, and herbal treatments come together to produce complete wellness. Pick up the phone and call your specialist today for help.