How Your Emotional Health Impacts Your Heart Health
The English language is full of phrases speaking to the effect that our emotions can have on our health. Consider for a moment “I was worried to death” or “Scared the life out of me,” for instance. While these phrases are largely mere turns of phrase, anyone who’s ever experienced heartbreak knows how physically painful […]
These 8 Pillars Of Holistic Health Will Keep You In Balance
When the term health comes to mind, most of us define it as the absence of sickness or disease. While this is certainly a valid definition, a holistic approach to the term involves a more comprehensive approach. There is more to our health and wellness than simply avoiding the flu and other physical ailments. Holistic […]
How To Grocery Shop While Keeping Holistic Health In Mind
Heading the grocery store, for many of us, is a mad dash of impulse buys, skimming a list, and a focus on convenience. Quick snacks, the sale of the week, frozen meals, and canned foods all end up filling our lists as we try to get in and out and have enough to eat that […]
How Empathy Plays An Important Role In Medical Care
There was a period of time in medical history where compassion for our patients wasn’t emphasized and was sometimes seen as an impediment to making proper care decisions. As studies of empathy in medicine have continued, it’s been revealed that it actually plays an essential role in the delivery of effective health care. Not only […]
Discover the Principles Behind Holistic Health Care
Holistic healing has existed for many years, but it’s only recently that the term has been finding common usage among patients. This is partially the result of a rising habit of doing the bare minimum to keep our health in check rather than focusing on the health of our whole body. This habit isn’t restricted […]
How Your Holistic Doctor Can Help Improve Your Health
It has been increasingly evident as our understanding of our bodies grows that our health is part of a deeply integrated and interrelated system. When something is going wrong with one system within our body, it affects and is affected by the other systems in the body. This interconnectedness means that the symptoms of some […]
Ways To Address Carpal Tunnel Without Surgery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition faced by people all over the world, and its frequency is growing due to the nature of the modern working environment. One common cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pressure applied to the wrist when typing without a resting pad. This pressure impacts the median nerve that runs through […]
Rebuilding The Connection Between Body And Mind
When stress or being busy results in being unable to give our body the time and attention it deserves, we can begin to feel disconnected from it. We may feel like we’re fighting our bodies or even feeling like our sense of ‘I’ and our body have become disconnected. This lack of connection can also […]
Using Meditation To Manage Stress And Improve Health
Stress is an everyday reality in our lives and can be the result of a wide range of factors. Among these factors can be problems with our work, family life, or even our health. When we suffer under high levels of stress for too long, health concerns can be the result. The fast-paced world in […]
Vitamins and How They Battle Fatigue
If you’re constantly feeling like you’re running on low energy, then you’re not alone. According to the World Health Organization, many regions have begun reporting fatigue due to the inconvenience and hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic. The term “pandemic fatigue” has circulated significantly and has become a struggle for health organizations to reinvigorate the public […]