The Role Of Testosterone In Mental Health

Low Testosterone

The hormone known as testosterone is associated with all things masculine. Libido, strength, and even an assertive personality have all been attributed to it. While testosterone does play a role in all these things, its total effects cover a much broader range. It is involved in our mental health, enhances physical performance, and supports muscle […]

Managing Autoimmune Disorders Through Lifestyle Changes

Autoimmune Disease

An autoimmune disorder appears when your own immune system treats your tissues and organs as foreign invaders. There are numerous autoimmune disorders known to medical science, and none of them are curable. These disorders can impact almost any part of your body, including your vital organs, nerves, and muscles. Part of the struggle with these […]

Pesticides And Their Risks To Our Health

Farmer spraying pesticide

While pesticides and fertilizers have made it possible to produce food on a grander scale than ever before, there are some risks. Older pesticides, in particular, can remain in the soil and water for years after their use. DDT (also known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was in use for years before being banned in most countries. We’ll […]

Natural Sleeping Remedies And Why You Should Try Them

Hot spices in wooden bowls

Difficulty sleeping is a condition that affects millions of people. For some, this condition is intermittent, occurring infrequently or just in times of stress. For others, insomnia is a constant companion. Rather than a restful descent, getting to sleep becomes a nightly battle. Sleep is an essential portion of our health. It gives our bodies […]

Understanding MSG, And Separating Fact From Fiction

MSG with plastic molecule

There are many myths about MSG or Monosodium Glutamate and the effect it can have on your health. Anecdotal evidence indicates that it can trigger headaches in some people. It’s also been connected to other health concerns, including sweating, nausea, numbness, and chest pain. As a result, many have opted to eliminate it from their […]

Alternative Treatments For Handling Chronic Stress

Woman looking deeply stressed

Chronic stress and anxiety are some of the most common mental health issues we face today. With the rise in stress levels over the past five years, chronic stress has become a huge issue as it can lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease, obesity, and overactive thyroid issues. It’s important to […]

Exploring Alternative Treatments For Asthma: Do They Work?

Woman using an asthma inhaler

Holistic medicine works to integrate various forms of treatment for the things that ail us. Among those treatments are natural medicines and practices that work alongside traditional medicine. Unfortunately, some of these treatments aren’t effective or appropriate for some people living with asthma. If you’re looking for more natural treatment options for your asthma symptoms, […]

What Makes Up Holistic Medicine And How It Can Help Your Health

Holistic Medicine

When medical treatment and care strives to combine all aspects of a person, including their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health, it is said to be holistic in nature. Holistic medicine works with patients to help them find balance in all areas of their lives to achieve whole-self wellness and optimal health. Practitioners of holistic […]

Unveiling The Facts About How Yoga and Meditation Reduce Chronic Pain

Woman doing Yoga by a mountain lake

There’s been a lot of talk about yoga and meditation over the years, with equal amounts of hype and solid data being released about it. While it can be hard to substantiate some of the more esoteric claims around this practice, studies have revealed that there is concrete evidence of certain benefits it provides. Understanding […]

Food Additives And How They Can Effect OUr Health

Plate of Food Additives

Food additives are a reality of modern living, and we can find them in almost every food we pull off the shelves. These additives provide different benefits to the food they’re found in, adding flavor, extending shelf-life, or just improving its overall appearance. While all of them have been approved for use by the FDA, […]